Mar 5, 2025

Pray to the Lord of the harvest

On February 22, 2026, we celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of our sister congregation, Corpus Christi Lutheran Church, at its current location in the city of Barinas. Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod missionaries began evangelistic work in Barinas began in 1983. The Lutheran Mission in Barinas, as it was known, congregated in various places, including the house of Luz María's mother, Carmen Rivero de Henríquez, and alternately at Luz María's house in La Caramuca, approximately 12.8 kilometers east of the center of the city of Barinas. With the help of missionary Pastor Rudolph Blank, the congregation obtained its own premises, inaugurated on February 19, 1995.

Three of Luz María's children, Pedro, Charli and Sarai, were baptized in the Corpus Christi sanctuary. Two of her grandchildren, Aaron and Oriana Montoya, children of Yepci, her eldest daughter, and Eliezer Montoya, were also baptized there. The Corpus Christi congregation supported my pastoral formation through my ordination in 2008. Regrettably, since Pastor Raimundo Brito left the country in 2024, Corpus Christi does not have a full-time pastor. That is why it was an honor for me to lead the Divine Service on this important occasion.

The leaders of Corpus Christi are waiting to meet with the pastoral counselor of our Western Zone to decide who they might call as pastor. The Lutheran Church of Venezuela as a whole does not have enough pastors to fill all existing pulpits, much less establish new missions in unreached parts of the country. Let us pray that the Lord of the harvest raises up a pastor for the Lutheran Church “Corpus Christi” and faithful pastors who will preach and teach the Gospel throughout Venezuela.

Señora Carmen.The Word gives life

I read and preached on the appointed Scripture readings for Sexagesima Sunday (that means “60 days before Easter”). The common theme is this: The Word of God is filled with His omnipotent power, and the Holy Spirit is active in it and through it. We must understand this to be true for the divinely inspired Scripture read privately or preached publicly. Hebrews 4:9-14 says that the word of God is living and active and also sharp, penetrating, and judging. To the believer these are comforting words, but to the unbeliever, terrifying words. The image in Isaiah 55:10-13 is the Word of God as life-giving rain that causes crops to grow and bear fruit. In the parable of Luke 8:4-15, a sower went out to sow his seed. In this case, the Word of God is the seed that gives life. The image is that of a farmer who scatters seed upon the earth every year with new diligence and hope, just as the patience and kindness of the heavenly sower does not tire despite much seemingly wasted labor.

Giving thanks for life and loved ones

With the youth.On Sunday, February 23, we celebrated together with our youth group the birthday of one of the most faithful members of our mission, Sotera del Carmen Zapata. She is now 84 years old, the same age as my mother. Her sister, Rita, is the other grandmother to Aaron, Oriana and also Elias Montoya. Elias was the first child to be baptized at our mission on June 25, 2005. The other two siblings of Sotera and Rita were present for the birthday party, but Aaron, Oriana and Elias live with their mother in Lima, Peru. I told Luz Maria how in our family, not only the siblings of our parents, but also the siblings of our grandparents were known to us as “Aunt” or “Uncle”. Luz Maria replied that because of the exodus of 7.7 million Venezuelans to other countries, many young Venezuelans may not have the blessing of being that familar with their extended families.

A window on the New Testament
Luz Maria continues to mentor Venezuelan women enrolled in the deaconess training program developed by Concordia El Reformador Seminary in the Dominican Republic and presented here by the Juan de Frias Theological Institute. The current online course, “Luke-Acts: A window on the New Testament”, looks at two central books that articulate the narrative of the redemptive work of Christ and the beginning of the Christian church. The study of these two books will help to understand the main doctrines of the New Testament. At the same time, the course provides the opportunity to practice fundamental principles of the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. About 50 women are enrolled in the course.

Widening our circles of mission

Since 2003 we have relied on a small circle of individuals and congregations who have supported Epiphany Lutheran Mission through prayer and donations. Most of our partners continue with us to this day and we thank God for them. As we face a future filled with opportunities as well as challenges, we would like to include more people in our circle. We would love to answer questions about our mission in person, but it is uncertain when we might be able to travel outside Venezuela (the last time was in 2019). However, there are many videoconferencing options (well, except for Skype, as of the end of May).

You can partner with us in a variety of ways. Either one-time or regular donations are welcome. One approach that works for many Global Lutheran Outreach missionaries is the formation of local groups who meet regularly to combine prayer, Bible study on cross-cultural missions and fundraising. GLO has developed a guide to forming such a group that I would be happy to send by e-mail upon request.

You also may help us widen our circle of mission by sharing information about our work. Anyone may subscribe to this newsletter. We also have a Spanish-language Web site and Facebook page, as well as an English-language blog. My sermons (in Spanish) are published weekly on Spotify and YouTube. Anyone may donate to our mission online at Global Lutheran Outreach.